Some graduate students are very good at using software program, but they might not quite understand the fundamental thesis of those programs. In other words, they would rely on computer to help them solve problems. No doubt the computer will save students a lot of time, and there may be several reasons for engineers to create the program, but the most important thing is to comprehend the text or underlining purpose of those software program.
As a graduate student, not only gain more advance education, but also prepare for applying those theses in the near future. If students can spend time getting the main idea of the software, they might have chance to improve the result by setting different initial conduction. As a result, only read the instructions on using the software cannot gain the big picture of the whole concept. After students really understand the meaning of program, they would find out that a lot of difficulties have to be overcome during hands-on section. Otherwise, they might use the software to check their consequence; it would not achieve the maximum of software.
Students would like to apply those theories in the industry, and they have the advantage of good educations. When they follow the concept, they might be able to think about new solution. It is good to use the software program as a tool, and they would not spend time on those routine procedures. As long as they can connect the education to the application, the industry would welcome those intelligent students. For example, MADLAB is a useful product in math works. Both engineering and science students might use it all the time, but only plug those giving data into the program will not help students to understand the meaning of the concept.
目前分類:Homework (84)
- May 11 Sat 2013 23:46
Connect the Education to the Application
- May 04 Sat 2013 00:24
Improve Education
The reason to get more education is not only gain more knowledge, but also have more chances to apply what students learn in the future, including modern idea techniques and clearly present the thesis into the industry.
After working as an engineer for several years, I found out sometimes the technical skill what we learned in the school is not the way we used in the working area. Maybe we just learned by experiment, but it might be not enough efficient. I would like to change that kind of situation in the near future.
Students might need more hands-on courses to gain more experiment, not only know the thesis, but also learn from the error. To make a mistake in the company may cost a lot of money. If students can get idea how to avoid the faults, it would help them to handle these difficulties in the industry.
- Nov 06 Tue 2012 13:11
Studying Group Helps Me to Survive
It is very important to have a studying group when you are a graduated student.
In the studying group I have a chance to review what we learned from our professor.
I am so glad that I have several classmates to work together in this term.
- Oct 11 Thu 2012 06:54
(HW) Exploring the Benefits of Applied Optics
Applied optics is a field in science that is about the properties and phenomena in visible and invisible light. Techniques in this field have already begun to be applied in users’ daily lives for decades, and therefore scientists have begun to study this subject in more detail recently. According to the research papers, there are many applications of applied optics, including fiber optic adaptive filters, dispersion-managed optical solutions, optical properties of materials, and multiple optical images, among others.
One application of applied optics is to use the optimization of fiber optic adaptive filters, which changes a complicated process into a simple result. In 1991, Paparao, Ghosh, and Allen repeated, “ There is a greater need for easy-to –fabricate and versatile fiber optic signal processing systems in which optical fibers are used for the delay and storage of wideband guided light wave signals,” (Paparao, Ghosh, and Allen 1826-1838) this design gives an advantage to the user. By using fiber optic adaptive filters scientists could keep selected elements, which will help them in their researches. Moreover, the authors have made a huge step in the light wave signals.
In addition to figuring out more information about optical phenomena, scientists would also like to find other wavelength problems. Not only people use common section of wavelength, but also scientists take different section wavelength to put together. Consequently a range of wavelengths can be used in several ways.
- Oct 03 Wed 2012 10:31
(HW) Summary and Response of Cargill Warns Of Salmonella-Tainted Ground Beef In Latest Recall
It is a serious problem to recall products.
“Cargill Warns Of Salmonella-Tainted Ground Beef In Latest Recall” is a article written by April Fulton. From this article, readers can get information about how many products were recalled recently. It seems to remind people that they need to wake up and not be tired for the situation. What causes the problem of the beef? How can the company sell those unwholesome packages? Customers may need to be warned of this situation especially in this case. The same company made this happen more than once, and people “knowingly eat a recalled food.” That is a strange thing.
First of all, to recall a dangerous product back the company that had occurred twice is a very serious problem. It is not good for customers to eat those unwholesome products. In “Cargill Warns Of Salmonella-Tainted Ground Beef In Latest Recall”, Fulton states, “Stores and government officials say the surge is due to better oversight, better testing. And increased communication about recalls, but some fear consumers may be developing ‘recall fatigue’ and are tuning the messages out.” (Fulton, 2012) I agree with the author. When the government starts to work on this kind of problem, the company would begin to become more carefully about the products; moreover consumers can check it out on the recall list before purchasing.
- Sep 29 Sat 2012 04:44
Fast Food Nation -Summary and Response
“ Fast Food Nation” is a book written by Eric Schlosser. In chapter Seven, the author mentions that employees do not need a special skill to work in slaughterhouses. Because workers always do the same simple action during their working period, some of them may quit the job in short time. Lots of employees are working without permission, and they might cause problems in the company. Due to the poor working conditions, such as odors or pollution, most of time workers might want to find a job, which will pay good salaries to them. Some people who work in the slaughterhouse are illegal immigrants; consequently they might bring crime and drugs to U.S. communities.
Usually customers might not pay attention how the meat comes from, but in chapter seven of “Fast Food Nation” Eric Schlosser (2004) states, “The Company’s low wages and new production techniques transformed and entire beef industry, from the feedlot to the butcher counter.”(p.154) In other words, the employee gets low pay, and the company gets new techniques to make their products have been processed, it changes the environment. I disagree with the author. If the company treats those employees all right, they might have better performance in working. Low wages will not be a good way to cheer up the worker.
It is a shock to me by reading its context, and the author gives his reader an opportunity to see the truth. After I figure out how the meat becomes our food, I would like to eat more vegetables and fruits as a meal. It is great thing that the Iowa Beef Packers revolution had changed lives. In the end of this chapter, the IBP held a public forum at a junior high school. It would help the company to improve their images. In chapter seven of “Fast Food Nation” (Schlosser, 2004) Eric writes, “An IBP executive, a vice president of public relations, confirmed that assessment. ‘And people who work on our lines work hard,’ he told the gathering.’ As the chief of police said, they go home at night and go to bed rather than carouse around town.’”(p.166) Through this point of view, we can assume that the workers are working hard, and they have no time to take a rest or do other things. It is difficult to image this situation which happens in this world. No matter what kind of jobs which you are taking, you need time to relax.
- Sep 08 Sat 2012 00:32
(Test) Pre-ToEFL Listening
- Sep 03 Mon 2012 12:56
(Test) Pre-ToEFL Grammar
If you want to take the TOEFL, but you don't have enough time to improve listening or reading, and then you can try to find some strategies of grammar.
Sometimes GRAMMAR function will give you the clue to get the answer! Those rules need to memorize!
The best way to improve Grammar is to teach Grammar. (Group Studying is a good way to prepare for the exam.)
- Aug 23 Thu 2012 07:37
(HW) Why do people study abroad?
In this writing class, we are required to have in-text citations, and also references sheet ~ it drives me crazy, but it is a useful skill to learn.
Education plays an important role in everyone’s life. Some people would have chance to study in a foreign country, and others might study in their home country. Different educational systems may cause distinct results, and students can benefit from trying different ones. There are two advantages to studying abroad: gaining self-confidence, and developing an open mind, but also there is a disadvantage of studying abroad, and that is reverse culture shock.
One benefit of studying abroad is gaining self-confidence. It might help students to know more about themselves. Presenting interesting idea from “Considering the Reasons to Study Abroad” Sullivan (2012) writes, “Studying abroad definitely challenges you on a personal level. Whether you consciously realize it or not, you develop a greater self-confidence.” In other words, it can be a great opportunity to gain self-confidence when people study abroad.
- Aug 02 Thu 2012 08:23
(HW) Make a Speech in the Oral Class
- Jul 28 Sat 2012 23:47
(HW) Interview Project Assignment
This interview project is a great opportunity to have more information about advanced study in Physics Department. There are two graduate students who participated in this interview. One of them is an American student and the other one is an international student. After the interview, the results have some different and similar responses. In this reflection I will compare the answers from both of them.
First of all, one interesting idea from both of them was that ”Presentation is required in graduate classes.” Usually, students from Asia spend most of their time reading those research papers instead of being trained for public speaking. Generally, American students feel more comfortable to answer those questions from professors, but Asian students might be quiet in the class. They will try to say something only if their professors give them cold call.
Secondly, they both gave similar answers about the relationship between professors and students. Students often become close with professors, sometimes they even have lunch with their professors. When I was a student in Taiwan, I always kept distance with my teacher because I didn’t want my teacher to notice me. Not only was I afraid of the teacher, but also didn’t want to be marked as a special student in our classroom, the opportunity fully to understand things is very good. Since they all have some background knowledge, they can get the information from their professor easily.
- Jul 23 Mon 2012 13:31
(HW) Panel Discussion Reflection Paper
The panel discussion gives me the chance to speak in English during the presentation. It is a good opportunity to practice oral skill which we learn in this class, and we can have some feedback from our classmates in the Q and A section. In the other words, we would have the chance to find more detail information by those unexpected questions from panel discussion. If we only read the article by ourselves, we may only focus on what we are interested in, and we might ignore some important information. Therefore, it is necessary to have a panel discussion with other classmates.
After panel discussion, I grade myself 80, and I think that I can do better next time. The first reason is that I don’t know if I answer their questions clearly, I need to make sure they get the response without misunderstanding. The second reason is that I can organize our time better to have face to face meeting. Before the presentation, we had hard time to meet each other, so we sent messages or E-mail to communicate. We try to focus on our article in simple way, in order to explain to audiences who have no background knowledge. There is a saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” We try to make our power point visual.
- Jul 07 Sat 2012 12:40
(HW) Writing for Grammar Exam
One of my final exam has to write 2 paragraphs about a person, place, or issue that I care about, and I have to follow those following rules:
The first paragraph should introduce my topic, the second paragraph should give details or opinion.
It has to use the following constructions correctly: (All requirements make me crazy.)
- Jul 03 Tue 2012 01:27
First Time to Attend Graduate Class
In the begining, I want to say thanks to my instructors. ~ Give you the beautiful flower to say TKS!
When I observed those classes (no matter in winter term or spring term), I didn't always focus on what the professors taught, but they gave me big picture of those classes.
It is a useful project or skill from my Understanding and Note-Taking class & Oral Communication Class.
- Jun 28 Thu 2012 12:00
(HW) How does the Internet influence globalization?
The Internet not only makes everyday life different, but also has some advantages or disadvantages. The benefit is that people can explore the world by using a computer. In the past, the way for them to take a look of other countries was journey to other cities or read a guidebook. Nowadays, they can see pictures to virtually visit other countries around the world. Also, it was hard to buy products made in foreign countries 50 years ago. Thus, the Internet influences globalization in three ways, these are technology, business and information display.
First of all, internet technology makes communication easier than 50 years ago. Therefore, people can get information easier in this world. The Internet gives people a chance to work together. For example, several companies have their branches in foreign countries, via those technologies they can not only pass news, but also to build the database by using new technology. If readers want to find information, they would go to the website instead of visiting the library. An interesting idea from “The Internet and Globalization” Zunairah (2008) states,” The Internet technology is globally integrating and amalgamating the people of the world.” In other words, technology connects people from all over the world. Internet technology brings people closer together.
- Jun 26 Tue 2012 04:20
(HW) The outside lecture – Applied Optics
The outside lecture – Applied Optics is offered in Physics Department and it makes me open my mind. I found that is much more different from the classes in the language center. As I noticed, not only the subject is difficult, but also the types of students are different including the range of students’ age or the number of students.
First of all, this class is opening by discussing their assignment, but most of my classes in the language center would start from calling our names to make sure attendants. As a result, the way to warm up the class is more fun to me. Because it can refresh students’ mind, it may recall some memories from the last class.
Next, they don’t put their textbooks on the desk, but in the class in the language center we should bring our textbooks with us all the time.
- Jun 20 Wed 2012 13:04
(HW) Feedback to Grammar and Writting Class
Outline from my teacher:
a) Explain two positive improvements in your writing that you made this term and how the class helped you make those improvements
b) Explain two areas of your writing where you still need to improve
- Jun 12 Tue 2012 06:38
(HW) Final Essay about “Children of the River” ~for reading class
This is a story opening in Cambodia and ending in U.S.A.
“Children of the River” is a novel by Linda Crew that describes about a Cambodian girl named Sundara Sovann who came to America with her aunt’s family. There are several interesting characters in this novel. For example, the relationship between Sundara and an American boy named Jonathan McKinnon is very interesting. In Cambodia, boys and girls are not allowed to hang out with each other, but the happy ending is that they became a couple. So Jonathan plays a very important role in this novel; as a result, he changes Sundara’s attitude and he became more Cambodian in the end. The most interesting roles in this novel are Jonathan’s conflicts; for instance, the way Jonathan deals with society, the relationship between Jonathan and Cathy, and Jonathan faceing himself.
- May 25 Fri 2012 15:07
(HW) Argumentative essay
Less Work and More Leisure Time
Would you like to have less work and more fun time? Most people will say yes. Actually, it would be better for you to have less work load and have more leisure time, because you can either enjoy your casual time at home or go on a short trip,
and you can be ready for another daily work. Although working longer might get good chance of promotion, your free time is no longer enough to join family party. People shouldn’t work too much because they don’t have time to stay with their relationship, and too much work can affect their health.
- Apr 24 Tue 2012 09:29
(HW)Assignment - Guided Research Writing Response Exercise
Read the essay , and get a big picture before doing this homework.
In “World Public Welcome Global Trade- But Not Immigration,” Pew Global Attitudes Project writes, L41 “Those who worry the most about immigration also tend to see the greatest need for protecting traditional ways of life against foreign influences.”
I disagree with this statement because sometimes immigration can bring good ideas to the country, and it might improve something in the city; moreover, it could bring better life to you. In other word, those who think about the worse for immigration also wonder whether the greatest want of keeping traditional ways of life without foreign effects.