Applied optics is a field in science that is about the properties and phenomena in visible and invisible light. Techniques in this field have already begun to be applied in users’ daily lives for decades, and therefore scientists have begun to study this subject in more detail recently. According to the research papers, there are many applications of applied optics, including fiber optic adaptive filters, dispersion-managed optical solutions, optical properties of materials, and multiple optical images, among others.
One application of applied optics is to use the optimization of fiber optic adaptive filters, which changes a complicated process into a simple result. In 1991, Paparao, Ghosh, and Allen repeated, “ There is a greater need for easy-to –fabricate and versatile fiber optic signal processing systems in which optical fibers are used for the delay and storage of wideband guided light wave signals,” (Paparao, Ghosh, and Allen 1826-1838) this design gives an advantage to the user. By using fiber optic adaptive filters scientists could keep selected elements, which will help them in their researches. Moreover, the authors have made a huge step in the light wave signals.
In addition to figuring out more information about optical phenomena, scientists would also like to find other wavelength problems. Not only people use common section of wavelength, but also scientists take different section wavelength to put together. Consequently a range of wavelengths can be used in several ways.
Biswas, Milovic, and Edwards had a book entitled “Mathematical Theory of Dispersion-Managed Optical Solitons,” which solved a dispersion-managed optical solution in 2010. In “Mathematical Theory of Dispersion-Managed Optical solutions,” the author states, “By proper choice of parameters both Gordon-Haus effect and four-wave-mixing can be significantly suppressed thus providing nearly error-free transmission.” (Biswas, Milovic, and Edwards 3) It is a significant discovery because an error-free is almost impossible for human beings, and therefore the authors might lead this research into an advancing stage.
Accordingly exploring the optical property of material is improving. In 2010, another book named “Colour and optical properties of materials: an exploration of the relationship between light, the optical properties of materials and colour” gave readers more knowledge of this work. R J D Tilley writes, “ Colour and the Optical Properties of Materials carefully introduced the science behind the subject, along with many modern and cutting-edge applications, chosen to appeal to today’s students” (Tilley 8). From this point of view, today’s students might feel interest in the subject, and then begin to learn more about this article.
Since optics is getting more popular, scientists do more studying in this field. More recently, having an optical multiple-image might change the appearance of objects. He, Wenqi, Xiang Peng, and Xiangfeng Meng write grating modulation, and just published, an optical multiple-image is observed by interference. This is a method for multiple-image hiding on the basis of interference-based encryption
architecture and grating modulation. The authors also present computer simulation results in this study. Briefly evaluating the capability of the introduced multiplexing technique, the authors have obtained the average level of the spatial frequency of the secret key masks and then designed the gratings with paper orientations and pitch to complete the multiplexing. Readers can see images about their experiments in this article. It helps people to figure out the differences between previous methods and the new one. (He, Peng, and Meng 1-10)
The application of applied optics has developed in different ways, including design fiber optic adaptive filters, to solve wavelength problems by using dispersion-managed optical solution, to explore the relationship between light and optical properties of materials, and to observe multiple optical images. From the articles above, I would like to do some investigations of optical phenomena. I would like to do this not only to be an expert in this field, but also to gain more knowledge in applied optics.
Works Cited
Biswas, Anjan. Mathematical Theory of Dispersion-Managed Optical Solitons.
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He, Wenqi, Xiang Peng, and Xiangfeng Meng. "Optical multiple-image hiding based
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Numai, Takahiro. Laser Diodes and Their Applications to Communications and Information Processing. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. ebook.
Palacharla Paparao, Anjan Ghosh, and Susan D. Allen. “ Design and performance
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Tilley, Richard J D . Colour and The Optical Properties of Materials : an Exploration
of the Relationship Between Light, the Optical Properties of Materials and Colour.
2nded. Hoboken; John Wiley & Sons, 2010. ebook.
- Oct 11 Thu 2012 06:54
(HW) Exploring the Benefits of Applied Optics