目前分類:Travel in US (125)

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When you come to this city, you may want to visit the Space Needle,IMG_3183
Take the one way ticket to next stop~ Pike Place Market, Pike Place Market
and Pacific Science Center Fiction Museum.

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It is summer term, but I didn't post this record for the special experience in my spring term.
Ready for listen to classic music.
Well, I have to say thank you to my roommate. It is a great opportunity to join this music concert.

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No classes - University closed yesterday.
People made a plan to have a short trip on Independence Day, but I only waited for shoot off fireworks in the night.Independence Day-1
The fireworks is a nocturnal sight to me.

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The member of AAA can get discount of buying ticket~ one for US$16. If you don't have AAA card, then one ticket for Adult will cost you US$20.
Airplane made by wood
There are 2 different building of this museum. They also have some classes for children.

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Sat Market is good chance to buy fresh foods, and you can try some sample before you buy it.
Maybe you would like to buy food in supermarket, but I prefer to go to the outdoor market which own by farmers.

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Lan Su Chinese Garden ( Between Lake and Mountain is a place to relax.)
This place is not a big garden in old town/ chinatown, old town
but you would enjoy the courtyard of tranquility.

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A pair of big yellow shoes!

Tulip farm is a very beautiful place for us to take a walk. ( One ticket for a school bus is USD $ 20, but one ticket for a car is USD$5)
This is a free day trip, and I had fun with my friends.

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This city is a good place to travel by myself.
Downtown PDX
I like to take streetcar , because there are free Rail Zone can save some money and save times.

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Good view on those post card

You can see "GEG" as it's name when you looking for Spokane's airport.
這個城市沒有很多的工業氣息,除了鬧區也不會太多擁擠的人潮,感覺上是各步調比較緩慢的地方,take your time to enjoy this city.

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  • Feb 15 Mon 2010 18:18

Every year they have 5 states' new quarter for people to collect!COINS~ my co-worker collect US Quarter for long time!
同事收集50州的美國25分硬幣, 因為只剩七個州的紀念幣就齊全了,COINS-1 所以我努力把之前剩下的硬幣找出來竟然有兩個州~ARIZONA 2008、HAWAII 2008可以提供給他,還意外找到我的美金一元金幣、和我用PENNY去壓製的OREGON紀念品~下次要找新一點的硬幣去做才會有金光閃閃的紀念品。

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雖然不見得有缺東西,但是經過dollar tree store我連思考是否有缺東西的能力都沒有,仿佛店裡有強大磁力會將我直接就吸引過去。IMG_8500.JPG

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There are something you can do to make you happy in Hood River.

LAVENDER FARM : SMALL SSTRONGLY SMELLING PALE PURPLE FLOWERS, if you come at right season , you can enjoy their Natural Lavender Farm .

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To have fun in Hood River, there are some different ways! Also you might need a lot of films or memory card for those beautiful view! !Multnomah Fall in winter
The Bonneville Dam is Located in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, and you can see a lot of fish in their count roomEPSN0287.JPG

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SUMMER TIME , You can have fresh cherry and other fruit at Sat marketEPSN0039.JPG , or go into ice cream store~ buy ice cream , winter time just have hot chocolate or black tea to warm you up!


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When Spring time , it’s cherry blooms very pretty , then in the beginning of summer you can have a lot of strawberry and cherry, no matter red or white cherryKIF_1005.JPG , both are juice.

And in the end of summer time eat peach and pear, it you want some golden Apple.

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If you want to stay in Hood River for your vacation, you can choose some different place in downtown Hood River!

關於短期住宿在HR的話,若是想要不想租車的話(就不用考慮停車問題),最好是住在DOWNTOWN的OAK ST(像是hood river hotel──房型有分為街景和河景,價格依淡、旺季會有所不同),這條熱鬧的街上有很多吃的小店走路就可以到(像是晚上有營業的andrew pizza、賣早午餐的betty’s placebettes.JPG ),你也可以選擇在OAK ST的路底有個小火車站可要搭Mt Hood Railroad它往MT HOOD 的火車,當然網路上也能先買票。

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I HAVE THIS OLD NAVY CLOTHES—SIZE XXL! It's really suitable for me.
(It doesn't mean that I have to lose weight!~It's for kids.~)
這個衣服是在美國念書的妹妹買給我的,因為她知道我不喜歡撞衫又會穿gap的衣服,所以她選了同公司不同牌子的衣服給我,(這是在SPOKANE VALLEY MALL裡面買的)呵!呵!她幫我選了童裝中不會裝可愛的最大尺寸給我,但它看起來一點都不像童裝ㄚ!old-navy.JPG

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We already know each other for 15 years !Tara and me ~ last year I went to US for Tara's weeind,(when I met her, she was a student in elementary school!)
IMG_6504.JPG ~ I had black face, but it's cute photo!

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WHEN I AM ON DUTY,I LIKE TO DRINK TEA.Almost everyday I need black tea ( I don't drink coffee). 這個紫色包裝的野生莓果茶也是被我從HR打包回來的wild huckleberry tea.JPG~~Wild huckleberry tea~15 tea bag US4.95--(Huckleberry a dark blue fruit,which grows in North America. )~~這種茶包喝起來有點果香加些許的涼涼薄荷味,和一般水果茶以紅茶為基底不太一樣喔!
DSC00017.JPG 這是陪伴我上班的茶包!決明子茶包是保養我的眼睛盯一天的電腦,至於花旗蔘茶包則是好友CHICHI的友情贊助,櫻桃花茶是”過洋水”的當我想念美國HOST FAMILY就會泡一杯來讓自己舒緩一下情緒! (也讓自己神遊一下美國的悠閒時光)

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SINCE 2001 I saw BURT’S BEES IN HOOD RIVER COLLEGE, then I started to use their products. Their beeswax lip balm --- my favorite. Their BODY cream is good,too.

初次使用小蜜蜂的產品是2001在HOOD RIVER的COLUMBIA GORGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE看到它的旅行組, 那時的我因為不知道美國的天氣乾燥,所以根本沒帶任何的身體保養品、護唇膏…,好不容易在閒晃到COLLEGE的商店中看到小蜜蜂的旅行組內有各式各樣從頭到腳的平價用品,就把它買回去使用了;果真當時沐浴完後擦讓我那陣子因為天冷又乾燥的皮膚不會再癢,而嘴巴也不再乾裂。後來又發現它們有一款小容量腳部的乳液(Peppermint Foot Lotion Make your toes tingle.)IMG_6608.JPG 有小旅行組搭配護唇膏,於是我有買來試,結果又”一試成主顧”。它已經取代了我之前用的椰子護腳霜,成了我的最新腳部保養品…。BEES TRAVEL.JPG

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