Sat Market is good chance to buy fresh foods, and you can try some sample before you buy it.
Maybe you would like to buy food in supermarket, but I prefer to go to the outdoor market which own by farmers.
In this way they can earn more money, and we can know where the fruit, vegetable or flowers grow up.
You can see many people who enjoy shopping in the outdoor market (every Saturday) located at the park block sin front of PSU library.
I buy 2 golden apples here. It cost me 75 cents. The price is cheaper than supermarket, and the fresh apple is very juicy.
" An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is a popular maxim, so I try to eat apple all the time.
If you have chance to come to portland, then you might have fun in sat market.
- May 11 Fri 2012 01:57
(CITY) Portland ~ Sat Market