目前分類:Travel in US (125)

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I like to walk in her fruit farm, in summer time—June and July I can pick cherry, in Fall—Oct I can have pear and golden apple!

去過5次HOOD RIVER,雖然尚未在春天到訪※。

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I LIKE THEIR FOOD!雖然這一家的食物有點貴,但是我幾乎每次到HOOD RIVER他們都會帶我去回味一下美食,也許是我有些時差,所以我每次都會有剩一些食物可以打包!!然後回家可以當隔天的午餐或是直接就被聞香而來的大狗吃掉囉!

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In 2005—my third time to Visit my Host family with my Co-worker! We had fun there!
雖然那年我們是六月去HOOR RIVER玩,理論上我們應該是會以短袖亮相,但是OREGON是位在美國西北邊的一個洲,所以來自亞熱帶的我會覺得有些許涼意!

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I like this popcorn!SO I took 2 bags with me on my way back Taiwan!
在台灣我們吃的多半是奶油口味的爆米花,這次我買給自己的戰利品是HUCKLEBERRYc& WILD HUCKBERRY CRUNCH口味的,我想我應該會每天給自己限制可食用的爆米花數目,免得一不小心這兩包存糧就沒了!

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I saw it once when I was in LA airport, then I found it again in SFO, so I want to try if it tastes good!

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First time to US, I was a senior high school student,we took Delta Airline to Portland.When I graduated from Univ. I took CX to Hong Kong transfer to LA,3rd time to US, I went with my Co-worker, we transfer in Hong Kong taking Singpore airlone to SFO.
4th and 5th time I took United airline!

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In the beginning of NOV 2007, I flew in US, and Nov’9th I flew back TW!
Because Oregon is a tax free state, I like to go shopping in Hood River Oregon,
I buy some products of Burt’s bees & badger…

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This time I eat a lot of good food ,dinner time go to Chinese restaurant order rice & soup, I also has fast food as lunch, and my breakfast is so yummy!
I know that when I go back to work, I will lose weight, so I don’t worry about eat too much in US!

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This is my 5th time to visit my host family. I stay 9days in Hood River,
And I had good time there, after Wed took pictures by my friend’s host mom,
I choose my pictures Thu morning, I feel so good to have this kind of different memory.

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In my schedule of 2007 NOV’9th , I need to fly to SFO→TPE→KHH,but I can’t fly to SFO, so United airline help me to change my fly plan , then it’s my 1st time to be in SETTLE, it’s a busy airport, and the store near gate, so I have time to buy some products for my mother, also there is some restaurants in this area, I am so happy to be in Settle.
我在2007年11月九日應該要一早從玻特蘭飛舊金山在經台北轉高雄,但舊金山無法起降,所以我就在聯合航空的安排下先搭小飛機到西雅圖在經東京轉回高雄。這是我第一次到西雅圖轉機,在gat12e與gate9間有餐廳、化妝品店,旅行用品…,一到西雅圖打電話給在cheney的妹妹,她還開玩笑說叫我從西雅圖轉去找她好了﹝因為一樣都在華盛頓州只是距離頗遠﹞,又打電話給在hood river的ㄚ嬤報告一下就要準備搭國際線的飛機了,看看口袋還有剩下一些美金,所以我決定衝進duty free的彩妝店幫媽媽買些雅斯蘭黛,雖然台灣正在週年慶,不過在美國買這個品牌還是很划算!

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This is my 5th time to be here!It's a good place, since I was a senior high school student, I knew my host family, and they are so friendly and nice to me, so I keep in touch with them,
this time I took my days off to visit them!
It's fall , so I feel a little cold when I go outside~!But so far so good!

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It's my 5th time to visit my host family!
This time is color changing season!
I like to be here , it's different color so beautiful!So happy to get days off then fly to US again!

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Here is fall , it's cool in the morning and night , but I don't need to worry about that , I am so happy that outside --- sun shine!
It's good view in Hood River!
I am so happy to go shopping here again!

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When I prepared to go to US, my sister started to write a list for me to bring some stuff to her, finally I decided to bring more stuff to her, if I can’t put too much clothes into my suitcase, I can hand carry my clothes, that’s not a big deal!

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After transfer-Kaohsiung-TaiYun-SFO-PDX---I am home again!
A little jet leg during SFO to PDX!
But I am fine!

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My memory in Hood River SEP'2001
As the plane landed at PORLAND air port , I started to worry about── we have 7 years not to meet each other , did they remember to take me home ? Would I be forgotten in air port ?In fact, I don’t need to think too much, because they remember to bring me home.
I wasn’t suffering from jet leg, so when I wake up, my host family and I went out for breakfast, I thought that my vocabulary wasn’t enough, but I can read the menu or they would help me. As I got my breakfast, I didn’t know that the cream beside bread is just cream. (I thought that was Ice Cream, so I ate it vary quickly.), at that time, they just looked at me, after I understood that cream was for the bread, they just laugh, so funny.

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As I landed in SFO Air port, I had to transfer to PDX, and I was a little tired, when I found that the plane delay, I want to take a nap, but I worried that I will miss the plane , so I started to find something for myself to do! Took some pictures and read some books! And I also buy some postcard to send for my co-workers! Make a phone for my host family….

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Today I WAKE UP EARLY,一大早搭長榮由高雄到台灣桃園國際機場,然後在機場貴賓室翻報紙、喝飲料、吃點心、寫部落格...總算要轉搭1點的UA前往US,呵呵第五次前往美國耶!有特休真好!其實要一早起床搭機,對平常就早起的我不是大問題,只是要獨自一個人自助旅行難免會有些孤寂的度過飛行時間,所以我這次有帶書要在飛機上看,當然若是飛機上有想看的新片那我就不會覺得太無聊囉!

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其實一大早要起床對我這個上班族不是太大的問題,但是要等很久就....還好有貴賓室可供休息,之前在高雄是到新貴通,這次在桃園是在遠航貴賓室兩者都不錯唷!一樣去找host family!期待會有nice trip!

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