目前分類:OTHERS (353)

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Studying in the library can make me focus on those books. When I need some information, I can always find some books here.
If I am tired, I can take a walk to see what's going on in the library.
old book-3

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My father has a Peach-faced Lovebird~ IMG_0925.jpg

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I had home made chocolate ~ it's simple to do it.
Only 3 items , microwave and ice box can make it.

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It’s hard to apply for the ESL by myself, so I try to look for experience from other people.

Finally I got admission from School. (It took 7-10 working days, I sent out my documents via express mail on 09/30, then they accept me on OCT 12~ I would receive their documents by FEDEX before OCT 14)

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I burned my finger when I used my rice-cooker to fix dinner , and I asked for help in the pharmacy.
The nice man told me , go to first aid area then I can find " Triple Antibiotic Ointment" ( 0.5 oz / USD 3.99) or " Neosporsin Original First Aid Antibiotic Ointment " .
Antibiotic Ointment

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After talking to my family,I am waiting for my personal belongings for several days.
My supplies
Not only food from my hometown, but also some clothes to keep me warm.

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I am lucky that my roomate is very nice to me.
She is from South Korea. This is her first-year to be a graduate student of social work.

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The Asian Cuisine Soup is good for myself to eat. Use some hot water and microwave then everything is done.
Annie Chun's Soup Bowl

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Grammar and Writing / Reading / Speaking & Listening ~ I got a very full schedule.
All I need to practice and do the homework. Listen to radio and try to write it down. Let me know that my spelling is very bad. Now I have to learn how to improve my spelling.

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I know that I am not teenager , my memory is not good enough for me to remember everything, but I know that it's never too late to learn , so I come back campus to be a student again. Not only improve my English , but also make more new friends here.
Wish me good luck! Get good grades in this term.

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MY Rilakkuma will go abroad with me.
" Bon Voyage " to myself.

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Winter solstice need to eat some sweet dumplings.DSC01332.JPG

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IT's seldom for me to drink coffee. But their Rose Fancy Tea Latte is good for me to drink!

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My birthday gift and Christmas gift always come at the same time!
2011 birthday gift!

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It suddenly becomes a chill day , please keep warm don't catch a cold!

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DSC01277.JPG ~ I found this insect in hometown.

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Both of my Grandpas were very nice and freindly to everyone!
我的爺爺和外公都是很和藹可親又有修養的長者,從小在鄉下居住的我和他們相處得很愉快,長大後逢年過節只要有回去探望他們一定會準備有糖果餅乾和汽水等飲料,因為在他們心中我們一直都是尚未長大的小孩。Thanks giving

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We miss our grandpa, and we try to do something for him!

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After working more than 8 years I've quit working. Today is my last date of employment.
There were tears in my eyes as I waved goodbye.

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