It's a miracle to me when I receive this mail from a professor of Physics department.

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Rice-cooker is very important to me. This time I use it to cook chicken.
Chicken is ready.
Boneless Chicken / Hot Water / Soy Sauce / Coca-Cola

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In this writing class, we are required to have in-text citations, and also references sheet ~ it drives me crazy, but it is a useful skill to learn.
Education plays an important role in everyone’s life. Some people would have chance to study in a foreign country, and others might study in their home country. Different educational systems may cause distinct results, and students can benefit from trying different ones. There are two advantages to studying abroad: gaining self-confidence, and developing an open mind, but also there is a disadvantage of studying abroad, and that is reverse culture shock.
One benefit of studying abroad is gaining self-confidence. It might help students to know more about themselves. Presenting interesting idea from “Considering the Reasons to Study Abroad” Sullivan (2012) writes, “Studying abroad definitely challenges you on a personal level. Whether you consciously realize it or not, you develop a greater self-confidence.” In other words, it can be a great opportunity to gain self-confidence when people study abroad.

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My Favorite movie is Titanic because it is a romantic movie, which played by famous actors and actresss.
Although this movie has new edition of 3D, I still liked the old edition with several touchable images.
For example , the actor told his gril friend " You jump, I jump." Unbelievable thing happened in the movie, the lady cannot swim, but she trusted the man, and she jumped into the water in order to survice.

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The Old Spaghetti Factory is a good place to enjoy your meal.
The Old Spaghetti Factory
You can make a phone call to order what you want to eat before you get there.

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Most of times I go to safeway to buy my food, but I can't find some Asian products there. Therefore, I went to Hiroshi's Anzen because I want to buy seaweed to put on the rice.
I found Preparfed Seaweed there.

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Waterfront Park is a beautiful place to take a walk or ride a bike.
Waterfront Park
If it is a sunny day, you will see a lot of people come with their family to sit on the grass.

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This is an individual presentation for my oral class.
I smiled in greeting, and then begin to have a slide show. Here we go~

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Almost every Friday I ate Tuna Sandwich in Subway, but this time I try to change my mind having something different for today.
In order to make Tuna and Tomato Noodles:
One Package or Can of Tuna.

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This interview project is a great opportunity to have more information about advanced study in Physics Department. There are two graduate students who participated in this interview. One of them is an American student and the other one is an international student. After the interview, the results have some different and similar responses. In this reflection I will compare the answers from both of them.
First of all, one interesting idea from both of them was that ”Presentation is required in graduate classes.” Usually, students from Asia spend most of their time reading those research papers instead of being trained for public speaking. Generally, American students feel more comfortable to answer those questions from professors, but Asian students might be quiet in the class. They will try to say something only if their professors give them cold call. colorful sky
Secondly, they both gave similar answers about the relationship between professors and students. Students often become close with professors, sometimes they even have lunch with their professors. When I was a student in Taiwan, I always kept distance with my teacher because I didn’t want my teacher to notice me. Not only was I afraid of the teacher, but also didn’t want to be marked as a special student in our classroom, the opportunity fully to understand things is very good. Since they all have some background knowledge, they can get the information from their professor easily.

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I had fun with my friends and we enjoyed our dinner there.
They gave some students a chance to say something on the stage. Because it may be the final term for some students, it would be a good opportunity to say goodbye and thanks.
Where: Willamette River, on the Portland Spirit (boat)

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The panel discussion gives me the chance to speak in English during the presentation. It is a good opportunity to practice oral skill which we learn in this class, and we can have some feedback from our classmates in the Q and A section. In the other words, we would have the chance to find more detail information by those unexpected questions from panel discussion. If we only read the article by ourselves, we may only focus on what we are interested in, and we might ignore some important information. Therefore, it is necessary to have a panel discussion with other classmates.
Sunshine behind the tree.
After panel discussion, I grade myself 80, and I think that I can do better next time. The first reason is that I don’t know if I answer their questions clearly, I need to make sure they get the response without misunderstanding. The second reason is that I can organize our time better to have face to face meeting. Before the presentation, we had hard time to meet each other, so we sent messages or E-mail to communicate. We try to focus on our article in simple way, in order to explain to audiences who have no background knowledge. There is a saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” We try to make our power point visual.

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When you come to this city, you may want to visit the Space Needle,IMG_3183
Take the one way ticket to next stop~ Pike Place Market, Pike Place Market
and Pacific Science Center Fiction Museum.

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Well, last month I had one day trip to Seattle, but I was a little late to write down it.
All I remembered that restaurant uses fresh caught seafood, and we have good food there.
The Crab Pot -2

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It is summer term, but I didn't post this record for the special experience in my spring term.
Ready for listen to classic music.
Well, I have to say thank you to my roommate. It is a great opportunity to join this music concert.

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