When I got the application form, I have no idea if I can apply ID card in USA?

In order to get the ID Card here, I have to show those statement to the officer who works in DMV.
The application is not so hard for me to fill out my information.
Here is the link to see my information.
It costs me USD$20, but it is convenient to me. I don't need to carry my passport with me all the time. It could be my identification to buy liquor. haha
I got the interim card at the same day I turn in my application form, and takes 5 to 10 days to get the official ID Card.
If you get a paper one, don't worry. It's your temporary ID which is going to expire in three months.
They will issue you an official ID in two weeks.
(因為學生證上沒有出生年月日,所以不能算是身分證明文件),沒想到只要去申請就會有機會拿到這裡的ID Card.
原本只是陪朋友去看看要如何辦理,後來發現等待的人很多,實在不想再花很長的時間另外跑一趟,所以也一併領表作填寫,不過要辦ID Card必須出示相關證明文件,護照是一定要帶的,若是國際學生因為沒有社會安全卡號碼就要有I-20 as your statement.還得提出證明現居地的地址,所以網路購物時拿到Shipping Document就要留下來當 Business Letter or有參加官方考試會寄送紙本成績單那就可以當作是 Official Letter作為現居地址的佐證.

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