In the beginning of this term , I received my student evaluation results, and I also got message from Science Department Chairperson. In reviewing the student evaluations, she was reminded of the commitment of time and energy I put into the classroom and would like to sincerely thank me for all I do.
I was struggling with stress when I started to teach as a science instructor. Therefore, I was not surprised to have the following comments:
I like applying the laws of physics to simple activities so that I can see how the graphs and measurements compare to what is expected.
 Grading is fair and the instructor is nice and helpful.
Pre lab lectures are sometimes hard to understand. Instructor can occasionally be difficult to understand.
Instructor is very helpful in lab. Instructor was very helpful and responsive.
I knew that not all my students could understand me, but I did my best to show them what I could.
Peaceful lake
Just Wish myself the best of luck in the following terms.
上一季開始當講師之後一直在沈重的壓力下教學,畢竟英語不是我的母語,再加上基礎的普通物理實驗在記憶中離我好遙遠,還好有博士班的學長願意罩著我,讓我在她的課堂上觀摩,也很感謝我的學生們願意鼓舞我,讓我安然的度過第一個季。還記得期末時系辦的助理有到課堂做教學評鑑,當時我的想法是“ㄔㄨㄚˋ”著等結果,還好學期初拿到系主任轉來的報告,有達到他們的標準,這學期的實驗主要著重在電磁學,這也不是我擅長的方面,但是我會加倍用心,讓學生們可以從做中學,把課堂上的理論一一得到應證,並且完整吸收相關的資訊,當然若他們這學期又被要求做教學評鑑,請在讓我當一次Amazing Grace :)
After rain comes fair weather.

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