As a Bank of America card holder, I was able to get free general admission to visit the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry last Sunday.
There are worldwide samples for exquisite creatures that really open my mind.
I was excited to see a huge japanese Spider Crab, and beautiful orchids. I was a little scared to see bird specimens because I know they were once able to fly freely in the blue sky.
The art of animal and plant specimens in three-dimensional exhibits are taken from real world, so I walked through the entire exhibition with a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder!
With the setup of beyond a glance we can see the small animals or plants very clearly.
我有點害怕看到鳥類標本,因為我知道它們曾經能夠在天空中自由飛翔。 這次 在OSMI展現立體展品動植物標本藝術所有成列品都是真實的,所以我帶著敬畏的心走完整個展場!
Join us the first Sunday of each month for OMSI $5 Days!
Explore the museum’s permanent exhibit halls and labs for just $5 per person on the first Sunday of each month, thanks to First Tech Federal Credit Union.