
It is really important to believe you can and you're halfway there.

In the beginning of the winter term, I took a comprehensive exam from my department, and I pass it!

(By the way, a comprehensive exam is an evaluation that measures a student's competency and mastery of concepts in the field of an academic discipline.

The exam covers the major fields of physics up to 500 level at my university. 

These major fields include Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Statistical and Thermal Physics, and other topics found in Modern Physics. 

Students are allowed one page (both sides) of notes per day. The student must successfully pass all sections of the exam in the first 3 years of entering the program.)

New System is on the way

當在台灣的大家愉快的度過農曆年假其實,我正在準備博士班的資格考,所以這個冬季最重要的事就是要努力考過資格考,科普一下資格考:PTT上寫“資格考,真是讓博士生又恨又沒愛的過程 這段天堂路 當初設立資格考的目的是測驗博士生是否有學識基礎能力 所以在國外,要不考深度,要不考廣度 !)好不容易在系上的教授們共同閱卷完畢後聽到我已經通過考試的消息~真的是放下心中的大石頭!

The whole system is half way built.






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