Since our laboratory does not have 208 or 240 voltage power for us plug in the diffusion pump, we need to change the heater element to 120 Voltage.
The following message adapts for Varian VHS-6 Full Replacement Heater Assemble 120 V, 2200W. 18.5 A, 6.5 ohms.
The Varian VHS-6 diffusion vacuum pump Stovetop-Style full replacement heater is for use with 120 VAC input power. The heater pulls 2200W, 18.5Amps and has a room temperature resistance of 6.5 Ohms. To change the heater element of the Diffusion pump:
Loosen and remove the fill plug located at the bottom of the sight glass and place a 500CC container below the diffusion pump.After the nut is removed, the pump fluid can be collected into the container. Since the diffusion pump is not a new one, the pump fluid is not in clear color.
After the pump has no pump fluid, the diffusion pump can be taken down and flipped over.
The bottom part needs to be replaced.
Use 14 mm socket to move the nut of the round plate of the heater element. Three wires appear above the insulator. Use a Hex Wrench to remove the bolt, and remove the insulator to take out the heater element.
Clean the metal plate on the diffusion pump before putting the heater element on the bolt.
The flat side will face up, and the core side will face to the diffusion pump.
Place two washers on the diffusion pump to keep the heater element in the center of the bolt (see the photo below), and wires can be connected to the heater element.
The insulator will be placed in between the wires and the heater element.
Put the round metal plate on top of the insulator, and a nut is used to fix the metal plate on the diffusion pump.
After the Diffusion pump is flip over the origin position, it is time to add the diffusion pump fluid.
The recommended fluid charge for the VHS-6 diffusion Pump is 500cc, and the Silicone Diffusion Pump Fluid can be ordered from Duniway Stockroom. The Part number of the pump fluid is DS-7040-500.
Loosen and remove the fill plug located at the top of the sight glass assembly. Add pump fluid until the fluid level is even with the Full/Cold mark on the sight glass. Replace the O-ring in the fill plug and lubricate it with pump fluid. Install the fill plug and tighten it moderately. Now we can evacuate the diffusion pump and start it following the procedures.
因為我們實驗室沒有208或240福特的電壓可以供應Varian VHS-6 擴散幫浦,所以只好把擴散幫浦底下的加熱版換成120伏特,這個擴散幫浦裡面之前有加入約五百西西的真空油,所以若要把擴散幫浦倒立以利換加熱版,須先把真空油取出,以免實驗室的地板上不小心多了一灘油,把加熱版取出時需用到的工具主要是六角版手,依序拆下不同的組成原件之後,在加熱版拿出來並將新的加熱版裝上,接著再把擴散幫浦翻回到正面,才能將真空油加回擴散幫浦中,接著就要把它裝回系統上做測試了。
- Jun 23 Mon 2014 02:43
Replace the Heater Element on the Diffusion Pump