
It was very impressed from the seminar hold by Physics department about theoretical studies in both applied and fundamental physics. 

       Applied physics can be separated into plasmonics and surface optics. Plasmonics is optics with metallic nanostructure or dielectric structures. Surface optics include negative refraction, Goos-Hanchen shifts, and hyperbolic metamaterial. His research in fundamental physics is based on photon mass, apparent incompatibility between relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and reciprocity symmetry in wave propagation. The important fact is without fundamental knowledge, there is nothing to apply. 


        In the professor’s talk, he presented the most valuable thing is to hold on to the truth which you believe, and never give up. The chair of the students' committee might provide some research problems including incorrect statements. Students should have the confidence to point out the mistakes and do some corrections in the appropriate manner. There might be some negative commons along the path. Just try to follow the truth then the result will be corrected to the right one.


        Professor Leung gave us three examples in his past, and he was brave to overcome those challenges. At the end, some people followed his theory and created the experiment which proved that his theoretical research was right. That made him so proud.


        I was very impressed by his hard work, especially how he showed that an error existed and researchers need to correct the statement and change it to the true one. The questions I want to ask are: what if the error was too big to believe? Maybe no one would want to try it; what can we do?


         Sunny weekend

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    PH Grace


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