
When I first received the cell broadcast, I wasn't sure what's going on. My first thought was heavy rain forecast or something else, but I reached out the phone and found out it was curfew. The announcement was meant to control protests, which  I believed most of my friends saw the news and worried about me.

Here is a link to the local news

Actually it was happened around the end of May, and I was busy writing the progress review , prepared for the final exam , revised for the final science writing report. Therefore, I would not be outside my apartment after eight pm through the next morning six am. I knew that everything will be ok. So, no worries!

前幾週的美國爆動/種族歧視的示威遊行新聞,讓我的朋友們紛紛傳訊問我在宿舍是否安全,當時的我一開始並沒有發現市區的大型集會有點變調,只記得週五晚上要睡覺前還疑惑為何一直聽到直昇機的聲音。但當週六看到網路新聞,才發現市區很多店櫥窗被破壞了,趁火打劫的新聞畫面讓人覺得不可思議,接著週六/週日傍晚手機都有響起陌生的異常聲音(以前只有在台灣豪雨特報時,我有收過細胞簡訊)我第一時間想到是否會有天氣異常的現象即將發生,但拿起手機看到的是宵禁的宣導。 確認冰箱有足夠的食物,我就沒去超市買菜了,因為同時有期末報告還有期末考卷要完成,我想安全起見期末考卷繳交之前我應該不會離開ㄙㄨ。



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