Once again this is just an assignment to turn in a summary for the seminar .
The speaker, Philp Ball, is a writer whose focus is science and who has worked for the journal “Nature” for more than twenty years. He received his Bachelor degree in Chemistry from University of Oxford. Since he is interested in Science, he pursued a doctorate degree in Physics from Bristol University. He wrote several books that were best-seller such as “Critical Mass”, and “Beyond Weird: Why Everything you though you knew about Quantum Physics is Different”.
As a Physics major student, I do agree with Richard Feynman claim that “Nobody understands quantum mechanics.” The speaker also quoted from Niels Bohr who said that “Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it”. We might have been misled by quantum theory in the past when we were trying to learn Quantum Mechanics. Once the challenge of wave functions had been overcome, we understand that the position in space in the time domain is not as simple as rocket science. Therefore, we learn to look at objects as one huge system in which two things can happen simultaneously even if they are separated far away but somehow related to each other.
One question for a scientific critique of the presentation is about quantum entanglement, even things might be put far away but they can still be treated as one big system, can we assume quantum entanglement theory is somehow related to Buffer-fly effect?
Learning quantum mechanics is a very difficult subject. This is especially because it contains a lot of mythemic or simulation understanding. I think that Feynman is encouraging us to move forward in our thinking when he says that even someone as wise as Einstein could not understand the meaning of quantum mechanics. But we can use the new mathematical proofs to help us prove the quantum relationship. If we overcome those challenges from the mathematical calculations, we might be closer to knowing what is going on in the quantum world.