Tom McCall Waterfront Park is my favourite place to take a walk during cherry blossom season.
When I found the photo above in my phone, I uploaded it to my FB. All of a sudden, I received messages from my friend in the US. They wondered if I took a vacation to be in town without noticing them. Unfortunately, I was just got off work and checked photos on my device. Honestly and truthfully, I wanted to be there with them if I could.
波特蘭較廣為人知的是玫瑰花,所以他又叫玫瑰花城(Rose city)但其實每年的春假期間也是櫻花盛開的時候,不久前下班後在家滑手機邊看之前拍的櫻花照,沒有多想的就把它上傳了,當時剛好是美西的白天,突然間一堆訊息湧入,不管是在相片下方直接留言或是私訊我,都是問說你來賞花嗎?都沒事先講。。。後來我只好一一用中文或英文回給好友們,因為被他們的櫻花照洗版,不能免俗的找到幾張舊照湊熱鬧,真心希望我還有機會在櫻花盛開的季節漫步在河岸!
Tom McCall Waterfront Park
- Mar 25 Sun 2018 14:15
PDX downtown Tom McCall Waterfront Park