There are several words problem in GRE Math. For example: Greatest Common Divisor (GCD=最大公因數) / Least Common Multiple (LCM=最小公倍數)
Counting & Probability.....
The first part of GRE test is 2 essay. If you read more articles ,then you can write better in your essay. Try to use a synonym if you find yourself using the same word more than twice (sometimes more than once if it's in the same sentence!
剛開始做GRE的練習題時,最常會遇到的是看不懂很多字, They are very useful books.
所以字彙方面一定要想辦法加強記憶多一點的同義字,至於數學問題比較起來就簡單許多,只要看得懂一些重要的單字就可以解題了,( EX: prime number=【數】質數的, 素數的...)
因為不想花太多錢買相關的書籍,除了多利用圖書館的資源以外,線上還有很多不錯的網站!像是YOUTUBE裡面只要輸入關鍵字GRE MATY/gre preparation in 40 days...也會看到不少解題方式,所以要自修念GRE也是可以的! If you can study with some friend ~ that will be a better idea.
至於我最長使用的教學網站是including ~Video: Vocabulary Strategies.....
GRE Math - Grockit
Wish I can have high score in the summer!
Hope my grade can be as high as flying airplane in the sky.
- May 19 Sat 2012 01:18
Prepare for GRE Test