This morning I accidentally cut myself when I tried to open a metal can at home.
My first step was to rinse it with running water just to clean the cutting area. Later I took a piece of paper towel and pushed hard to give a little pressure on the bleeding area. Hoped to stop the bleeding.
I felt a little scare after I put a bandage on it.
Luckily the student health and counseling is open and I can easily walk in to ask for help.
The staff got an appointment for me to see a nurse right away, and then the nurse asked an available doctor to check on me.
They wanted to double check if I needed to have some stitches on the cutting area. Therefore, one more doctor, a medical professional provider, came to join on the discusion of treatment plan. They made sure that my right thumb can bend or push well. No stitches need to put the layers of skin back together. I got the Tetanus vaccine before the doctor put some strips on the thumb. The doctor pour some brown liquid on the thumb, so the strips can stay longer. She then covered the area with a telfa pad finished with bandages and double secured with some blue tape. The doctor gave me the color choice on red or blue, and I chose the blue one to describe my mood.
在醫生給拇指貼上一些有點拉力的細長片之前,護士為我接種了破傷風疫苗 。
然後醫生將一些棕色的液體倒在拇指上,這樣膠條可以保持更長時間。然後她用小紗布覆蓋該區域, 並用繃帶包紮,並用一些藍色膠帶雙重固定。
*updates * 複診結束 :傷口癒合良好。
ps from wikipedia: 兒童時建議施打五劑並每隔十年追加一劑。