
Yesterday my school announced that we will continue remote learning through June 13.

For sure the social distances helps the case number slow down, and watching the instructors " playing the movie " is a little different from we all sit in the classroom.

When the lecturer courses are happening in the classroom, we are playing the student role there. The instructor can get our reactions right away, but sitting in front of the laptop without turning on the video makes huge difference to the instructor for checking our understanding.



從冬季期末考前學校就開始宣導要保持社交距離,讓大家減少接觸避免染疫。 春季開始遠距教學讓我的教授自嘲每次都是他在演獨角戲給學生們看,因為我們若沒看啟視訊鏡頭只單方面觀看他的教學,當我們把麥克風關靜音。(無人的即時反應讓他無法得知我們是否了解他想表達的理論,所以他覺得遠距教學他像是在演獨角戲,反而以往的課堂教學像是我們會參與演出的話劇。)仔細ㄧ想好像真的有這麼一回事⋯⋯改善方式可能就下次上課時換好外出服,收拾房間,再來開啟鏡頭專心上課。


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