I found that I didn’t need to take too much days off including those holiday, I could have 2 weeks vacation to visit my host family!
I never been to US in Sep, so I was happy to order this flight tickets!
And I told my host family I will have a vacation again, they said yes for me to stay with them!
為了讓host mom方便來接我(因為2005年我轉機到玻特蘭已經半夜12點了),此回我選搭早上從高雄出發的飛機,到桃園再轉聯合飛名古屋→舊金山→玻特蘭。從未9月到美國的我出機場大廳還未到停車場就覺得有些冷,所以想當然我接下來的行程都是以肉粽般的穿衣方式出現。
而1994年第一次到美國時就有認識不少人,所以我還有到hood river valley high school (當地中學)當壹天的旁聽生,並且有參與到ㄚ嬤果園的西洋梨、金黃蘋果採收,讓我有不同以往的體驗唷!

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